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Tuesday, October 31, 2006'♥

Paul's friends found a jack russell on friday. IT WAS DAMN CUTE but it had like ticks on it. Plucked what we could &bought it t th vet on saturday morning.
geeeee. :D


omg, &we're going t b witness on court tomorrow. pearl, me, wayne &dexter. WHAT TH PING PONG DAMN, how irritating is that. IM DAMN IRRITATED LUH. that means i have t wake up at like 7in th morning cause we've t reach there at 830am. BOMBASTIC.


blogged @ 12:26 AM

Friday, October 27, 2006'♥

Im so broke luh.! WHAT TH FREAKING HELL.
I need cash, cold hard cash.! ):
cause i need t go shopping &shopping will remind me of christmas.

Im so in th christmas mood too, pearl.! <33
hahaha. especially with all th christmas carols, th present, church mass, christmas parties &all.

I was supposed t go out with a few of my cousins today &im still waiting for their calls.
didnt manage t get much sleep last night.
canadian didnt sccept me cause of bloody shitty moe.
so far so bad.

blogged @ 8:41 PM

Wednesday, October 25, 2006'♥

I quarrelled with a certain someone on friday, was totally horrible. I think i cried a whole year's worth of tears. Met pearl up before that &had like supper at cafe cartel. She's like honey. :) my cheerleader.!
Everything was alright after that but i just couldnt bring myself t say sorry. Result of being too stubborn, i guess.

Things didnt exactly turned out t b better on saturday anyway. I just needed some time t myself so i went walking around until i met paul at 7plus. Caught OH IN OHIO with raymond, his friend, connie &paul at cine.
Had me laughing my ass off, then rented "keeping mum" at th dvd rental thing at cine. HAHAHA.

I was supposed t meet paul at 12pm but i woke up at 1pm. OPPS.
Met him up then went t suntec t look for his friend and his friend's girlfriend. HAHAHA.
I nearly fell down th bloody stairs cause i wasnt looking where i was going. WHAT TH F***.

UGH. i swear swear swear th cupcakes on cake avenue is making me drool like hell. and i just ordered 9pieces.
OMG, kill me please.

blogged @ 2:15 AM

Friday, October 20, 2006'♥

I actually went for tuition today &i really really did study.

I dont know where all my money went t.! CABS, i guess. Im just going t start taking a bus or train t get t my destination from NOW onwards. (:
so i'll b loaded. HEEEEE.

blogged @ 1:37 AM

Thursday, October 19, 2006'♥

Woke up at 3plus in th afternoon, OMYGOODNESS &that's why i didnt go for tuition. LOL.
Dropped by paul's place t pick up his camp pass and keys then went t pick him &his friend up from th camp. Bought th chocolate cake from awfully chocolate.
IT WAS TOO GOOD T B TRUE, for me, at least. haha.
I ate bloody a lot today.! OMG.
jenna, motivate me, please. HAHAHA.
I just practically ate all th way, &even ate when i came home cause my dad bought food back t bribe us t let him play pinball on th computer. LOL.

i hate i.
i ate so much.! )):

blogged @ 1:25 AM

Tuesday, October 17, 2006'♥

Had been rotting my ass off at home th whole entire day. GRRR.
OMG.! but you know what.
lim kuku. HAHAHA.
You know most of my friends like milk and white chocolates cause dark is a little bitter. OMGGG.
im like jumping around in joy now luh.!
&we like th cakes from awfully chocolate. OMGGG.
all th blood is rushing t my brian now. :DDD
when can we meet up &get th cake &my royce chocolates.!
happy happy happy dorris.

so i have like my
supper partner, janice. :D
diet partner, jenna :D
&dark chocolate partner, shirlene.! :D

&i miss gapramiu'ce.!
girls.! i <3 you. haha.

blogged @ 7:42 PM


This is damn random.
but i suddenly felt like posting that,
FOR BALLOONS.! especially those helium ones!

okay. shout out done. HAHAHA.
It feels like crap t just keep these t myself.
HEHHHH. geeeeeee.
im mad.

blogged @ 5:15 AM



Met michelle &pearl at orchard towers cause mich wanted t thread her brows. It looked so bloody painful cause th lady was doing it so slowly &you could actually see th brows coming out one by one. OMG. then we walked t wheelock cause i wanted t thread mine at browhouse. HAHAHA. Had our dinner at sakae sushi then went t meet nat at heeren.
Cabbed over t DXO for th PANIC @DXO party. It was a successful party, really. DXO never had such a big crowd before, i swear.
Saw aaron. prissy, santos, rachelle and all, havent seen them in AGES. (:


Woke up at 2plus in th afternoon &rushed over t taka for coco &brandon's fashion show at taka. (: All th kids are really cute &good-looking. Coco &brandon did a very good job.! : D
I'll load th photos tomorrow or smth. Ekkawat only came after th show ended. LOL. haha. We walked over t heeren, then i went off t meet janice and he went off t meet his friends. We took prints.! :D havent took prints FOR SO LONG.! geee. saw mei ying, jessica &renee. (:
cabbed over t suntec t look for paul, wenda &samuel. bought th tent then took a bus t west coast park. IT WAS FUN, in a way but eleanna and all weren't there.! &we washed th chicken wings in th toilet.! HAHAHA. i fed th mosquitoes, &after janice went home, i spent most of th time in th tent cause i didnt want t do anymore charity walk. GRRRRR.
It's still itchy now LUH.!

Went bugis with paul last night &caught th ricky bobby show. HAHAH. It was freaking hell funny. I was feeling real sick after th movie so we went home, puked and i was running a temperature. It was totally horrible. ):
Paul &my brother was entertaining themselves with all th vcds and all. HAHAHA. They even ordered th bundled meal from macs.! CRAZY BOYS.
&thanks pearl, im alright. (:

blogged @ 12:24 AM

Thursday, October 12, 2006'♥

I just reached home &im waiting for pearl t come over so we can try on clothes. (:
oh, and sorry girls.! I cant stay over today ): It was too last minute &my parents dont like me t stay over but they'll welcome you over anytime. weird weird.
hmmm. It's been a long time since we clubbed so we're gonna have a blasting time tomorrow eh.? : DD

Picked paul up from his camp and went t this 2shopping centers that i never knew existed. It was so ulu, as you might call it. Sun plaza &sembawang shopping centre. IT WAS TOTALLY EMPTY LUH.! Sooooo, we were just hanging around doing nothing most of th time but it was cool. (:

girl girl, you're definitely having a lot of fun over in london but dont forget about all of us here in singapore OKAY.! (:

blogged @ 10:57 PM


Had tuition today then went over t chevrons t meet paul &two of his campmates cause they wanted t go t th ktv. Well, it was actually 30%singing &70%drinking so it was no surprise 2of them got kinda high. LOL.
Cabbed over t cine t meet pearl &mich after that. Ate at subway then went home. HAHAHA. goodness me.

I'm confused.
Can you stop making me feel this way.!
If you're trying t toy with me, please just let me off.

blogged @ 12:59 AM

Tuesday, October 10, 2006'♥

Woke up at 1plus, got woken up at 10plus in th morning, then went back t bed. HAHAHA. was supposed t have tuition today, but i skipped. ):
&my tuition teacher messaged me and reminded me t go tomorrow. ugh.

Kinda had a tiff with paul this morning cause he shouted at me but it was alright &he came over in th afternoon cause he had half a day off. Went t west mall, then walked around then cabbed home. :D
&i dont know what t do t keep myself entertained. GRRRR.
There's no shows on tv &i dont know what t search for on youtube already.! ):
NO MORE stuart, lorraine, miss swan, bunifa, all th madtv things &no more newlyweds or simple life.

blogged @ 11:47 PM


Met pearl at bukit panjang plaza in th afternoon, i kept complaining t her that im freaking fat &guess what, we went in th candy shop &came out with loads of stuff. She got a heart lollipop.! ILOVEYOU PEARL.! :D
&it didnt just stop there, we took th escalator up, and when we walked past delifrance, pearl was like th creme brulee is damn nice, want t try. WELL WELL, i was curious and all, so we went in for that brulee.! BUT we ended up ordering eclair, bread pudding and a fondant &it came with ice cream. It was such a sinful afternoon LUH.! ):
hahaha.! PEARL, we should do that sometime soon, who cares about fats now. HEH.
Met up with paul and we walked around jp in th evening. Watched stay alive, it was interesting. I like it even with all th gory details and th countess elizabeth old shit was so mean, good thing they destroyed her. (:

I miss town. SOOOOOO im going town on friday. YAY.! rocky master, so cosy. HAHAHA.
&that dxo party. tickets look for jordus.! : DD

It's 5am in th morning &im still awake. DIE , im turning norturnal again. It took me ages t become normal again &it all turned out t b fruitless. GRRR.
OH. I was just listening t LOST WITHOUT YOU by delta goodrem. I dont know why, but it bought back loads of memories. GEEE.
Im going t bed now.

blogged @ 2:40 AM

Saturday, October 07, 2006'♥

I just reached home &my whole body is aching like crazy.
Had steamboat with paul at marina south last night &i was so fascinated by th clams or whatever you call those creatures. HAHAHA.
Cabbed over t west coast park t look for eleanna &all after that. They were a lot of people and it was nice. Walked around &chatted with janice, she's damn sweet luh.! :D
Walked around &just hang around till like 5am in th morning. HEHH.

cool shit.?
oh. &iwant t watch that RUSSELL PETERS show.! GRRR.

I was just looking through all of my stuff in th box out of boredom. All th post-it notes that we used t pass around in class, all th letters that we write t each other &all th prints we took. It really bought back a lot of memories, &that i realise how much more matured i have grown t b. missed my secondary school life badly eventho i didnt like my school.

I miss th feeling of dread when i have t wake up early in th morning so i wont b caught in th jam on th way t school.

I miss going t school early t rush out assignments or projects because i was too busy being lazy th night before.

I miss singing th national anthem &saying th national pleadge in school uniform.

I miss running away from certain teachers cause im not in th proper school attire.

I miss hanging out in a group, having prata in th coffeeshop opposite school.

You lose some, you earn some.
&i have learnt t treasure my friends, especially th 4of us. I dont find it a problem t open up with you girls, we can talk about everything, &that is EVERYTHING.
Im glad. :D


blogged @ 12:50 PM

Friday, October 06, 2006'♥

might b meeting eleanna, janice &all in th evening but i have no idea where &th exact time. :D
SO happy. :DDD

I have tuition in an hour time &im sitting in front of my computer, still in my pyjamas. HAHA. red with giraffes.! (:
I havent showered &i havent finished my work.! HAHAHA.
die dorris.
you're TOASTED.


blogged @ 1:39 PM

Thursday, October 05, 2006'♥

Was supposed t have tuition at 3today but i was late for almost an hour cause i only woke up at 2.45pm.! rushed like mad and cabbed over. I swear my brains are rusty already, i dont know what th hell th question is trying t tell me so how th hell am i suppose t come out with an answer.? ):

It jut reminds me of how my friends and me used t attend all th festival events that community centers or RCs hold.
It used t b so much fun &i hope it'll continue t be like this. :D

I called up OFS this afternoon, but their next intake for grade 11 is next august. FAINTS.
so i might just attend canadian before i transfer over cause they allow students who're already taking IB t cut in. GOSH. ):

I was just chatting with prissy daughter online. I MISS YOU DAUGHTER. I MISS MUMMY TOO &JORDUS.! ):
We so have t meet up soon okay.? as in like hang out &club together, just like th old times. :D

I just dont know how t go on anymore. I tried everything so that both of us will be possible. i dont see why is it so hard.

blogged @ 10:43 PM

Wednesday, October 04, 2006'♥

I just got home &i bought my malt candy.! YAY.! Was supposed t share with my brother, whatever.
Had maths tuition today but left early t meet paul at causeway point. He's a SLOW COACH, i swear.! Made me wait for him for so long. ):
caught a movie then walked around, making fun at everything. Im so gonna miss him IF he's going overseas for that bloody army shit.

OH, &michelle's friendster and msn got hacked. WHAT TH FUCK, seriously. What's so fun about hacking other people's account.

took some printscreens th other day when we had nothing better t do. HAHAHA.

michie (:

again. (:

mom's rushing me t bathe.
toodles.! :D

blogged @ 11:23 PM


Just finished uploading th new template up, got damn bloody irritated by th archives thing. urgh. Th new cinema at harbourfront is opening on th 7th, this month.! (:

I'm so in love with this song eventho th song had been so outdated.

Ever since the day you went away and left me lonely and cold
My life just hasn't been the same ohh baby, nooo
When I looked into your eyes the moment that I let you go
I just broke down

Baby if I ever get the chance to be with you again I would sacrifice
Cuz the feeling that I feel within
No other man would ever make me feel so right
Its nice to smile when I get your phone call at night
But I'd rather have you here with me, right next to me
I miss the way you hold me tight

I gotta let you know I feel so weak without your touch
I never thought that I could ever love a man so much
I gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world, for you I'd do anything

Thats right baby I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I've been thinking lately
That you and me, yes we can make it
Just ride with me, roll with me I'm in love with you baby

Break it down now I'll tell you what I feel
From the moment that I met you its been so damn real
My heart seems to skip another beat
Every time we speak, I can't believe I feel so weak
Tell me that you really need me and you want me and you miss meAnd you love me
I'm your ladyI'll be around waiting for you
I'll put it down be the woman for you
I'm falling so deep for you crazy over for youI`m calling, calling out to you what am I going to do?
It's true, no fronting
Its you and no other i can no longer go on without you I'll just break down

I gotta let you know I feel so weak without your touch
I never thought that I could ever love a man so much
I gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world, for you I'd do anything

Thats right baby I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I've been thinking lately
That you and me, yes we can make i
tJust ride with me, roll with me I'm in love with you baby


blogged @ 12:49 AM

Monday, October 02, 2006'♥

I stayed at home for th entire day today. I feel like im wasting my life away AGAIN. My cough's not getting any better &my throat still hurts ):

Went out with paul last night &my mom scolded th shit out of me, going on about family day. It was so boring yesterday, i nearly died. Sent my brother for tuition, then go t my dad's office cause he wanted t do something then went over t my grandpa's house after we picked up my brother. My grandpa is damn funny. HAHAHA. Picked paul and his friend up then went over t his ex-girlfriend's birthday chalet. It was not really awkward actually, just boring, thank God that Michelle &Pearl was on th phone with me. Then we took a bus home, can you imagine that.? I dont even know what bus we took, just went on some random bus.

why cant you just seem t give in t me once in awhile. why do you have t act like you dont care a shit about what im doing &what's happening in my life, when you actually do.
Am i so insignificant t you, i dont need all th iloveyou, i just want you t show that you care about me &i mean something. I can seem t get myself t tell you these cause i dont want t get you irritated, cause im scared i'll lose you.

blogged @ 6:45 PM

Sunday, October 01, 2006'♥

Went for some ship anniversary for th navy thing with geraint &michelle at changi naval base yesterday. It was alright, i guess. Heard loads of interesting shit i never ever knew from geraint &we were just trying t keep ourselves busy by playing pool. (:
We met this super nice cab driver on our way t changi, he even offered t come back t fetch us in th evening with no booking charge, cause there's NO bloody cabs inside &geraint found himself a new smoking partner. HAHAHA.

Went over t cine &met up with jerrald, jeric, issac, leo, chu sheng &all. Saw anjolene &adeline, i couldnt recognise her until she walked up t our table while we were sitting at rockys.! Saw tons of people that i havent seen in ages. heh. Th time crisis machine in th arcade was so retarded, we inserted a coin, and 3coins came out so we ended up with more than what we exchanged for. (:
Went over t coco latte &looked for leon. I dont know, it was kinda weird. I miss liquid room &i miss clubbing with th clique &all.
another time alrighhhhttttsssss.

toodles. (:

blogged @ 12:10 PM