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Friday, October 28, 2011'♥


Go figure.

blogged @ 5:57 PM

Tuesday, September 13, 2011'♥



I realized the world is such a complicated place.

I wonder why people always do things with motives, or being nice only when it benefits themselves. The world is such a selfish place, it's scary.

On to a brighter note, we just got back from bangkok awhile ago!

And guess who came with us this time round!

Favourite girl; Zeikei! (:
We had so much fun eating, shopping and just doing weird stuff. Can't wait for the next trip!
Hopefully no rain this time round though!

Zombie-fied last 2 weeks, it was a sleep and rise early week for us. No time left for anything else other than work work work. But I'm really happy and satisfied like every other time (:

Just launched a new collection!
Do check it out now (:

blogged @ 3:11 AM

Tuesday, August 16, 2011'♥

Shu, this is for us!

Don't worry, cause everything is going to fall in place and it's going to be amazing.

Don't worry what kind of obstacles life will bring us.

Cause whenver we fall, we'll bounce up even higher than before.

No matter what kind of problems and people life throws at us.

We will get through them stronger than before.

And whatever happens, whenever and whoever.

I will always always be there for you, like I always been. I always will.

blogged @ 5:49 AM

Sunday, August 14, 2011'♥

Done with another collection, been a mad hectic week this time.
Am glad the website design is finalized, and very much hoping we can launch it in october.
Got to get down with the editorials, which we have been harping on for weeks.
Should be a good one, since the girls are on holiday which means an extra helping hand on everything.

Leaving for shanghai with shumei on wednesday, so next week will be an equally hectic one. I dread it, I hate not being around to handle stuff and the very detached feeling when we come back.
And another sourcing trip after shanghai, probably with zk, really hope you can make it! COCONUT ICE CREAM!
And another one in mid-september when daddy comes back. MY WHOLE YEAR IS FILLED.
Filled with madness, hectic, happiness and satisfaction.
Hope all these brings us enough motivation and ideas for our upcoming surprises, year end.
Manufacturing creative ideas, sometimes I feel time is really not enough. zzz.

Till then! Gonna have dinner and start invoicing!

blogged @ 5:58 PM

Friday, August 05, 2011'♥

"有时候,莫名的心情不好,不想和任何人说话,只想一个人静静的发呆; 有时候,突然觉得心情烦躁,看什么都觉得不舒服,拼命想寻找一个出口; 有时候,感觉自己与世界格格不入,曾经一直坚持的东西一夜间面目全非; 有时候,别人突然对你说,我觉得你变了,然后自己开始百感交集"

I think we have changed. For the better or for the worse, I don't know and I don't dare to go analyze on it.

It's a sad thing really, but I know there're people around who truly cares, who are truly concerned on how and what I am doing. It just wasn't you, eventho you always claim that you do.

I have seen your colours. And they all said, it's not worth that to see your stupid colours.

Am I really that stupid to you?

I never wanted to shortchange you, I just wanted to swallow every misunderstanding and absorb all the shit so we can remain as friends.

I am stupid to even think of doing that.

You didn't care at all, all you ever care about was yourself and what you can gain out of people.

I feel sad for you now, today and in the future.

blogged @ 2:06 PM

Wednesday, August 03, 2011'♥

Just had another shoot on Monday. Mad excited for the next launch.
Meanwhile, take a look at collection 27!
Ran out like a forest fire, haha!

I have this weird craze with popin cooking now!
I love the japanese for their weird quirks!
So many creative ideas! Am off to make my mini donuts! (:

blogged @ 9:32 PM

Thursday, July 28, 2011'♥


Time flies, it seemed like yesterday when he was just a small baby.
Ordered two customized cakes for him online, one for school and one for our party!
Reminds me of the cupcakes in the fridge still, shudders.
I'm pretty scared of fondant now, haha.
I bet ahyi is mad proud of dylan (:

YAY, new collection on sunday. Preparing editorial previews now.
And have to prepare for the next shoot and next few launches.
It's a never ending cycle but something I love doing so much.
Coming up with a whole list of something new, our whole team is in a mad frenzy so stay tuned! (:

blogged @ 6:03 PM